[Texas] We took my great grandmother to the doctor and they said someone called and said she died if i know who did it do i have grounds to sue?
Margaret and Ashton
ICE is supposed to start targeting big cities in the United States starting this week so this is just a reminder that it is completely legal to scream LA MIGRA if y’all want to warn a brother
RIP Tik Tok
Boycott is coming 😄
5SOS popularity level
How did y'all find 5sos
97 degrees... In the middle of November.. fuck the valley
Question: whatever happened to Duke and/or Petunia
Nick response
do y'all think we're getting a michael or calum solo album soon?
Keyboard issue
Which song would you choose?
Has anyone tried these? And if you did are they good?
Please help me.
What are some valley brands we can buy in stores?
Travel to Nuevo León safe in 2024?
Those of you who graduated from UTPA/UTB/UTRGV - what was your major and what do you do? Do you still live in the RGV?
First time wearing contacts.
How many degrees from Taylor Swift?
Best restaurant in Mcallen area to throw a party for someone?
Y2k photoshoots
Affordable therapy options in the valley?
What song would y’all die to see live?
What do you think minimum wage should be in the Rio Grande Valley in 2022 dollars?