A dream tured into Reality!
This guy is NOT Koulibaly😭
Rip Liga MX Licence
I found the Snap-On Jersey from the Glimpse of Us music video!
Which exciting base rare cards you still have?
What ABBA song is this?
What ACDC song is this?
Efootball 26?
Was that Joji in the snap on jersey in the Glimpse Of Us music video?
Underrated LOBOTKA
Konami bout to have a feast
Dear Folks I'm traveling from Chandigarh.
Have you ever feel useless?
What is bro holding 😭
Totti is literally a gamechanger, my favorite CF in the game.
Best RWF for f2p players?
Should I go for him?
Double Touch to?
Yep I got a straight red for that
I just saw this shit in sector 10... Wtf?!!
What is this green pipe on the Delhi metro tracks?
Is it worth to buy the england pack
Next slot is the least consistent card.
Cheap Football Jerseys ? Locations?
Please suggest me a build for him which is not clunky and dribbleable. I accidentally make auto and he feels so clunky