Besides Nutshell, what song made you want to cry while listening to it?
it is okay to wait until marriage to live a completly free sexual life?
Death to all at the TLA Philly. Caught a drumstick and setlist!
Which one are you?
Post a band in the comments, everyone else reply with your favourite track from that band
What is the best one line lyric, this legend ever wrote?
What do you call your cat OTHER than their actual name?
First Soundgarden song you’re playing on this?
What's a band that in your opinion has no bad albums?
Angriest songs ever?
Which death albums has the best artwork?
What is a dialect or accent that you can immediately identify?
Business Frat dues
How to mitigate hunger-induced mood issues?
Estoy pensando en irme un año a Estados Unidos al acabar los estudios.
If you could be fluent in 4-5 languages...
I met my wife at a language learning happy hour.
It's better to just close your eyes and pray
What is F18 and M18?
Let’s celebrate our friends day out by defacing a historical building inside of a national park. Cades Cove, Great Smokey Mountains.
When she says she likes listening Alice in Chains...
What is your favorite acoustic Alice in Chains song?
my sister bought me donuts for my birthday. they were left outside for 4 minutes. found this next street over later.
Bike on campus