How do serious sims fans feel about their sims series?
Guys do you think Gloria can feel Christian having a boner on the 21stCB cover?
what are some lyrics you had wrong for the longest time
What is a song that instantly pisses you off?
Songs about guns that don't have the word "gun" in them
I went on a bad first date
I’m pretty critical of lyrics. Who are your top lyric writers?
songs that thank someone
What is the most "generic" song by Green Day?
Bootleg fakes are so silly
What is that Green Day song that sounds good but something definitely ruins it?
Songs For a Second Trump Term
Songs about having a good day
my boyfriend and i were doing an LPS history class and then this happened LMAO
playing with your pets
Is this what you’d say to someone face to face?
Product Placement Songs
which fictional characters yall think listen to gd?
Costume help!!
Songs titles that are just cars
What do you think about my small collection? :3
songs about guys named Johnny
Songs with the “Oh” word in the title
Overheard by our daughter having a conversation about sex