Name her after the last Spotify artist you listened to
What is the most random shit image you have
Letting off steam, just that.
Solo desahogo, no busco nada más.
if yall got this in the mail what would u do?
Say a random fact about yourself and I will give you a name as if you are my new cat
when was the last time you cried?
¿Ustedes como disfrutan la vida ?
Pick a superpower and the reply would add a catch to it
Con cuántas almohadas duermes?
¿Cómo construirían un Multiverso "único" en una historia?
Why is ado so special to you?
Soy culero por decir que tener pareja a los 15 es una pendejada?
any names for this cat?
Am I wrong for saying that getting into a relationship at 15 is stupid?
¿Hay alguna nacionalidad que les parezca menos sexy?
Type "If this world were mine" and let your keyboard do the rest
Pregunta sería, hombres que prefieron ¿pechos o pompas?
Ado World Domination.
I have no idea what to do. Existentialism is nice, but I feel it is impossible.
Estoy haciendo mal en rechazar tener relaciones?
Faltan V y J... Ataquemos!! Traducción: V and J are missing... Let's attack!!