How do you feel about smart home technologies?
What makes you smile most?
What little joys make your life special?
What motivates you to get out of bed every morning?
What are your biggest priorities in life right now?
What do you think is the key to a fulfilling and content life?
How can parents encourage and support their children in sports without exerting excessive pressure?
How do sports contribute to a healthy work-life balance?
How does hydration impact overall health, and how much water should one aim to drink daily?
What role do carbohydrates play in a healthy diet?
If you had a magical wish, what would you wish for?
How do you prepare for travel? Do you have any special habits or rituals?
If you could travel back in time, where would you go and why?
How do you show yourself love?
What makes you laugh in the most difficult situations?
How do you react to other people's jokes if they are not funny to you?
If you could experience one dream in real life, what would it be?
What's your favorite way to celebrate the month of December in Asia?, and is it acceptable to replace 'snowball fights' with 'tropical fruit toss'?
Using facetime/speakerphone in public is rude and obnoxious. Why do you facetime/speakerphone in public?
What are you pretty sure of is going to happen?
How often do you lie on reddit?
What's super expensive to buy but totally worth it?
You have just won a contest that has giving you $250,000,000 deposited to your bank account, what are you doing today?
This is a new kind of tie..
Beta version..