Paul's recent "gift" to Morgan reminded me of the other drawings he has up on his Instagram
Paul drew their family as a Christmas present for Morgan. Morgan said that he drew himself well but not Morgan. Poll took to the polls about this. He did Morgan nasty with the drawing!
them going back to Timmy’s wedding venue to take the courtship pics is unhinged
Paul and his polls
Is Paul’s new “job” working for Daddy in his YouTube channel?
The lack of awareness and ability to apply things to others is truly something.
Are they trolling us at this point?
Kellie, your misogyny is showing.
Logistics of feeding 10 as a BusFamily
Stories 6/30/24 - Godly Marriage Reels 🙄, Finding Jesus signs in NYC, Flowers, New Peeps, Pizza and Cocktail Dresses, Worship Music.
THIS BODY CAN’T BE POSSIBLE, AND PEOPLE ARE BODY SHAMIING THEMSELVES IN THE COMMENTS(sorry I’m just mad People believe this,like are they stupid?)
Another creative scorpion tale
TW: Body Checking. Stories 6/21/24 - Obvious Body Check, Bareback on Harley, Should I Show him TeeHee, Gunner, Lol Ranch Things, I'm empty so I need another Horse.
Best app for making cinematic instrumentals
Y’all stop trying to steal her man 😭
I made 24 hours with Dav Beal
Dad casually insulting my [16F] friends when I keep him updated on my movements
Jordan’s “3 accountability groups” statement, straight from the horse’s mouth.
A friend of Jpeg’s ex wife exposes him for being a lying, cheating, abusive man
What’s the deal with her husband & cheating?
The longer the caption, the more I think married fundies secretly hate each other
Stories 1/25/24 - "Fertility Appointment," Scales, and trying it all.
(⚠️ED TW) Brittany’s original eating disorder testimony from
Lori saying stupid things again, featuring an extremely unhinged comment.
In the gym locker room again with someone in the background....