BLs recs with this dynamic
sticker !!
It's different ok
YouTuber who recovered from an ED starterpack
I’m not okay ◡̈
call it william afton the way it always comes back
"I swear this will be the last time I binge!" Me a day later:
order mods
is my order gross💀
Burn victim, looking for honesty
i found my ed reasons list from last year😭
I think they’re called anorexics 🫶
Spending my free time making online orders for all the food I wish I could eat while fasting. I’ve literally gone insane.
me doing absolutely nothing while waiting for the next day because my only hobby is eating dinner and weighing myself
Calories on me today! 😘
wake up new thinspo just dropped😍
shaking at work rn😼 can’t wait for another ed talk <3
friend stood me up for dinner and now i’m taking it as a sign i don’t deserve to eat tonight🤗
guys... it's not there anymore :(
i was FINALLY losing weight at a rate that i was satisfied with and now my mom's basically forcing me into "recovery". kms
my trip to italy be like
me when I feel full
Golden brown piss gang