Ex lazy during marriage but not after divorce?
Wage garnishment for federal DOD workers
Take STBX off health insurance?
Butt kicked in court
"Is that a real gun!?"
Leave country ?
Divorced dads Playlist suggestions
Her boyfriend reached out to me
Ex buying me self-help books
Traveling by yourself
Newly Married. Just Had First Kid.
Lies and more lies
Social media
Should I stop depositing into my 401K?
Paternity Test
I know i should not move from the house(not owning but renting together), but what if i have too?
Hard to leave BPD wife…thoughts?
She said, "You could just pick up the dog poop without me asking. You see it just like I do."
What actor is a major turn off for you to stop watching a show/movie?
8 days and counting
Need Advice
Am I wrong for feeling this way?
Need to get some money back
Another thing I won’t miss from the ex….