Why Doesn’t Alyssa Hold Her Own Party Accountable?
Hannah’s story about MTS interview…
Hannah apology. Will this be the only way she addresses it?
Hannah is Paige’s only flaw
Vanity fair was……mid?
Anyone else…
Live watch: vanity fairs Oscar’s party
Deleted Timothy Chevrolet post
Alyssa told us who’s she’s voting for…
Paid Family Leave Processing Time
Weekly Bitch Fest
Anna was on fire (caliente) today!
People’s ability to drive and obey traffic laws here these days…absolutely HORRIFYING
Ana and Alyssa
Dakota is high af
RHOC S18 E 8
Food intolerance to eggs?? 3 months postpartum and after a viral illness...
From SDI to PFL - how long does it normally take?
My (F30) husband (M32) keeps lying to me about vaping
To my fellow late-third trimester friends: how are you holding up?
Is it just me or is it really obvious that Wendy and Eddie are both lying?
End of pregnancy
AITA for not sharing more with my MIL?
Any similar podcast Recs?