My best guess at the Real vs Imagined progress
What are your opinions on al jokes
Totally clueless on how to get to fluency in Italian (Currently A1)
N5 listening practice (immersion)
N2 Mock Test Grammar Question
Can you spot the differences?
Italy supports the creation of a European Army (survey)
Qual è il fonema IPA della 'n' in 'vengo'?
"Get Seal Piece At Water Slums Is The Hardest Mission In Jak 2!" Want To Beat It? Just Do My Strat! PUNCHING!
Do I learn 6000 kanjj readings in Wanikani?
What's going on here
I'm so old that I put two spaces after a period.
Snuck it in there late...
The worlds fastest swordsman
Taking the JLPT exam in another country.
How Not To Die A Stupid Death In India
Is Wanikani good for someone who already knows a decent amoutn of kanji?
Actual meanings of conjugation
Khaby Lame e la cittadinanza: «Mi sono sempre sentito italiano. Non sono gli altri che devono dirti chi sei»
Do you know any false friends between Italian & Spanish for words that look exactly the same?
Celei de a treia + plural
The wreck of the Costa Concordia in 2012. 32 people died when the ship collided with a rock
Does Spotify ever listen to Live Ideas (i.e. community suggestions for features)?