Watch 7 LTE 40mm 12 Hour Battery life
Chromecast is untrusted
S24+ Signal Strenght
Disable touchscreen inspiron 5557 Ubuntu
Why do I get this error to repair my watch every 3 to 5 days? Any one else get this?
Compras em meu CPF
Dell XPS 13 2017
Atualização de SO Xbox One X
Wait, this is not fireworks.
Galaxy watch ultra will not connect to S24 Ultra
Reset my watch?
Dificuldade em achar Series X
Those with S24 Exynos
Me only upgrading for the new color and light body
Any info on this pic?
Is it really worth the upgrade?
Jogos retro ou investir no novo?
Using Whatsapp App
Watch 7 went from 77% to 0 overnight.
Mu friend saw this yesterday. What it might be?
Is this something to be seriously concerned about?
Nest hub display has started to die
RIP Samsung Dex
Last 2 days my watch gives this result... what is your advice? make an appointment with the Donter?
Is the Watch 7's battery suppose to get better within a few days out of the box?