Our lil girl, what name? Got her yesterday. Prob a girl? She’s 7 weeks. Timid, but I think she’ll get past it
Esse conta?
Como adotar um gato assustado?
The 21st anniversary of my sister passing from od/suicide is this week. I’m making a sad song playlist to block out the world…please send me your suggestions.
É macho ou fêmea?
Lake Mungo -- Huh?
Name suggestions for this creeper?
Minha gatinha sumiu desde as 10:40. Já são 13:04
What's a film you saw that changed your opinion about an Actor/Actress
Realmente castrada?
Looking for a movie like The Social Network, smart and gripping.
Seeking recommendations for Fancy Films!
Meu gato ele é quase todo branquinho só a ponta da cauda que é preta
Superhero horror?
Qual personagem você queria abraçar e dizer que vai ficar tudo bem?
Best Opening Scene in Horror?
I just watched Flow (2024) and need a movie that feels like a warm hug.
as crianças nunca fizeram nada de que?
I need a really good lgbtq film
What if crossed could be cured?
Anybody have any good horror comedy suggestions?
17 year old me trying to look cool
Novels that give off Fear Street vibes?
baby name ideas so far!
Characters that everyone hates but you defend?