What game have you played the most in your life? Just one, that "go-to"
I wanted to draw Maya
What songs have ridiculously long names (excluding features in the title)
Which anime moment do you think will stick with you forever?
show me your waifu
My Lenore cosplay!
What game had you crying or got you the closest?
What is your favorite Castlevania game and why?
Mortaccio gives you a hand. drew this on a phone using only one brush. New to this community also 😁
Which character do you want to hug the most?
Favorite Neo Champion So Far?
what card did Serenity give you? (wrong answers only)
What am I?
Which mode you prefer?
How to unlock other adventures?
Do it.
If you could make your own skill
What is your favorite Scorpion skin listed??
Charlie Pro Max
My Castlevania Tattoo Sleeve
Favourite Rogue & Pet Decks?
The pain