What’s the difference between a stupid pilot and a stoooopid pylot?
What do pylots do on long flytes?
Oral hygiene
Are elevators really rudders in disguise?
Who don’t cats have four ears?
When aerial refuelling how do they lube the parts to facilitate the mating process?
Why is space black and not magenta?
Is a slutty virgin and a virgin slut the same thing?
How did the first couple on earth figure out how to initiate sexy time?
Which is more eye catching: girl in lingerie or long formal dress?
What mode of transport is most vital?
If 500 pax on an A380 fart into their seats at the same time how much altitude will the playne gain?
Would high speed rail be practical for Australia?
US versus its entire alliance network in battle
All European US allies versus all non-European US allies h2h in battle, who prevails?
Can the EU become self sufficient military wise without the US?
Do bacteria have natural predators?