Sign up for RBYOMPL, a brand new team tournament exploring some of RBY's more unique metagames!
New RBY ZU Viability List!
RBY MEWTWO IS NOT AS GOOD AS YOU THINK!!! also rby ubers is really fun you should try playing it
What is the most unexpected/weirdest “wait I didn’t know this learns X move” you’ve come across while battling?
What if Togekiss was in RBY?
Is there any way to get custom avatars in Pokémon Showdown?
What would you say is the biggest mechanical change in Competitive pokmon?
Is there a Mon from any Tier, any gen, at any point in time that was as/more dominant than RBY Mewtwo?
Pokémon Battle Riddle #22
Updated RBY NU Viability Rankings! Fearow, Magneton, Arcanine rise to NU!
What Pokemon would have interesting sets if their Attack and Special Attack were swapped?
RBY PU Viability Rankings Update
Arbok is unbanned and Partial Trapping (Wrap, Bind, Clamp, Fire Spin) is banned from RBY ZU
What would happen if you put Pokemon from later generations into generation 1's meta? This is a question me and my friend thought of. So we theorized. We started with some generation 4 Pokemons.
How close is RBY Ubers to being "solved"?
How would a Gen 1 AG metagame look like?