Judge me for my top 10 (avoiding repeat authors)
Patronus time! What's your patronus? (check on pottermore.com)
The Surinam Toad has one of the strangest birth methods in the animal kingdom. Babies erupt from a cluster of tiny holes in their mother’s back.
Am I too old to have a pokemon playset?
who else?!
How accurately do you track?
What's the worst uniform design ever?
Searching for hard sci-fi that hooks me—any recommendations?
imagine my regret 5 years later
Eating chipotle everyday 35M
It's not much but here's my garage gym.
A Spotted Hyena Eating Another Hyena
Spotted hyena eating another hyena
Do I still have potential to increase my testosterone (600 to 700-750 ng/dl)
Adolf Hitler mocks FDR's peace requests while addressing the German Parliament (1939)
What are your favourite PS1 games?
Man built a full motion 737-800 sim in his kitchen
Do You Guys Remember How Big Halo Was In The 2000s?
A Cool Guide to things a dog can and can’t eat.
How to break bench plateau?
Is intense cardio better for leg muscles aesthetics than lifting ?
Tell me you were coming of age during the great financial crisis without telling me…
This 1400 dollar helmet is just a work of art. This is unbelievable that he sustained no injuries but Diplopia (double vision) after this incident.
Take my MONEY!
Will squatting in Alpha flys improve my lifts?
What smoking 10 joints a day inside of your house does to a CPU Cooler