Fluent in sarcasm
What's up with the influx of badly opinionated men that come here to lurk and downvote everything girly or female centric?
Whats your biggest problem?
Whats the god damn excuse?
“Mikel Arteta didn’t want to bring a body in and wanted to stick to his targets”
31 days, no signings
Is this indication for RCT?
Why are the libs cucking out? Where is the resistance?
Seed oil lobbyists and BBW appointed chief of staff of the USDA
I don't recognize my club anymore...
it wasnt a nazi salute
Pet Insurance
I fell for the trip, we’re signing no one.
Is this how jeans should fit nowadays?
A proceed with caution demographic?
has anyone ever written their congressman?
rip 15 years ago, you would’ve been a great TSwift collaborator
Our problems are solved
Guys, I just can’t. These guys are too far gone to be saved.
Anyone else bitter about their dental school experience?
As an associate, is it even “worth it” to take Invisalign cases?
Hot take: if the Democratic Party wants to remain competitive in the future, it should rebrand itself as a moderate, bipartisan party, as opposed to a generally liberal/left party.
the pretentiousness of our fanbase