You missed out on nothing if you grew up without Blockbuster.
Stop telling people "kys"
What would Vic Vegas think?
drake the type to have a gym teacher that looks like this
What does FOMO do to yall?
Drake the type of Vengeful Vincent to ask God to kill Kendrick
Why is Instagram so right leaning but other apps (tiktok, Reddit, etc) are left leaning?
Do you guys agree on my opinion?
What would Jon do with this place?
Drake the type of cartoon character to get pepper sprayed through his ears and mouth
Wes wouldn't survive this place
The music that is popular today is hot garbage.
Drake the type of hopeless romantic to fake drowning in hopes of getting mouth to mouth by the hot lifeguard
Drake the type of film bro to make multiple videos bitching about MCU Spider-Man
Drake the type to think all of New York looks like this
So sad
Hey guys, this is my first time making some hamburgers and I would like to get your opinions. Let me know what you think
I've been a member of this site for almost 4 years and it's terrible
31M What does this say about me?
"The left are miserable, self centered, losers. The only thing they derive pleasure from is the pain of their “enemies”. " Users on r/ProfessorMemeology argue over whether leftism is a mental illness or not
Drake the type of contrarian to refer to other people as "sheep", "normies" or "NPC'S"
Why are there so many stupid questions on Reddit?
Military is last resort
Why do redditors jerk off over how shitty other redditors are