Lately, I've been finding Penelope really annoying. Does anyone else feel the same way?
Sarahs stories today saying she may need psychological help regarding past events with M in hospital.. girl you need help for alot more then that
"no answers"
Out of touch
Screen recording of todays stories
Recent stories saying H is failure to thrive
H failure to thrive, lots of appts coming up.
Triathlon post partum
Running HR?
Does anyone else get an ick when she labels herself a “yummy mummy” bc ick 🥴
Kids breakfast?
Here’s the poop part 🤢
My girl lost her babies. I dont know what to do.
how do you guys combat the nausea?
Y’all imposter syndrome is real so I need to not feel alone. How do your faints feel?
Favorite electrolyte powder?
Sorry what?!?!?!
Sarah’s lurking! Anyone else see her stories retaliating to my PSA about not having to do all the extra curricula's? 😂
Stories about H’s reflux
Sarah's products - worth the hype?
Heh, remember when she spoke of a healthcode podcast revamp
PSA - Your kids don’t have to do extra curricular activities if you’re struggling to keep up.
Well…this is ironic
H reflux