Anyone else figured out the holy cross immediately within like an hour of starting?
What did the farmer say when he lost his tractor?
Stardew Valley, created by a single person, has generated over half a BILLION dollars in sales. ConcernedApe really turned his passion into his fortune.
Why do you believe in monarchy?
do yall actually have PhDs?
Fuck that one in particular, I guess
No title needed at this point
What kind of drunk are you? Mean, horny, sleepy etc??
Why this show (at least the first few episodes) feel so empty?
What's with Octavia's change in attitute towards Stolas between when he first called her and when he came to see her?
How do we UI about the new feel?
Who was worse?
as a lesbian, I don't date girls for their body (like yucky men do), I date them for who they are as a person. all women are beautiful <3
"If you‘re lesbian, then why‘d you use a strap-on?"
Last Box Ladies and Gentlemen. Who’s a Horrible Person and Hated By Fans?
What would happen if you injected alcohol?
I ate half of the cracker
thoughts on getting this as a tattoo? the collector is easily my favorite character (along with king) and i would love to have this as a tattoo on my arm or something because i love him (and the owl house as a whole) so much
My gf is cooking eggs with pasta to save time
If you had to be high 24/7 on two different substances which would you pick
The way I gasped twice-
Is this original 1998/1999 binder worth anything? found it at a yard sale for 5 cents. it's a little damaged so I'll probably keep it either way, I'm just wondering
Why was Kohaku disqualified 3 seconds after round 2 ended, but round 4 didn't start for multiple minutes after, allowing for Kohaku's and Suika's reunion thing?