Is there a lore reason why Mark Grayson is into fat bitches? Is he an architecture? Jamaican coded?
What kind of crossover is this
Outjerked 😭
Based Amanda VS Cringe Kate
New Jedi Order Bible
The God's are on the YV side so therefore they will win
dinosaurus did nothing wrong
Yuuzhan Vong Rogues gallery
Rogue Planet - Essential Legends Cover revealed
Who did it best ?
In celebration of the recent release of Reign of the Empire, the Mask of Fear, I’d like to formally invite anyone present to voice their thoughts on the founding triumvirate of the Rebel Alliance.
One of the worst takes I’ve ever seen on the EU
I can't believe people forget that Eve's dad helped destroy the Death Star and prevent the Empire's treachery from spreading
The Rex has fallen, billions must cry
Definitive EU book tier list.
The Thragg mindset
Is there a reason the writers are making this canon?
I was staring at my wall and I noticed it looks like Omni Man
Will Mark survive the Thraggshots of doom?
Forget Jake Skywalker. This is Devan.
What do y’all think it smells like
If you ever think you're stupid, just remember Red Hood fans exist.
"I tell you this: though neither he nor they yet know it, he is the greatest of all the Jedi. Jacen Solo is the living Jedi dream." - Jedi Knight Vergere
Star Wars: Galactic Legacy
ofc its the snydercuck fans