An HK 91/G3 was requested
My 3 fav guns in Insurgency
I’ve never even played this game but my algorithm likes guns so I’ll contribute to the trend. 🫶🏻
So we’re posting guns to anger haters? ALLOW ME
Not very prepper like habits?
What is the first video game that comes to mind when you see this?
People who don't want children what is your biggest reasons?
Easy mode with no remorse.🥹🎮
I can’t wrap my head around handwriting, so I don’t know if my writing is too “digital” if that makes sense?
Why did you start learning Russian?
This order is too funny to me lol
Choose your 90s Gun
What do Icelandic people think of Vinland Saga?
What's this game for you?
What's an underrated pizza topping?
Update to my last post
What thing in Minecraft, if removed, wouldn't make it feel like Minecraft?
Essentially a new player
The Scariest Game You've Ever Played?
Looong plane ride
people who shower for 30+ minutes, wtf you be doin in there?
If you can bring back one which would lyou?
America be like
Whats the most annoying mob in minecraft
Shopping Habits