Grandparents said they had a spare laptop. Got home and unzipped a laptop from 1990.
President Musk posing with the rapist Conor McGregor in the White House
Happy snail
How much have you invested in your game?
I saw this on graphic_design and I wonder if anyone knows how to do this with After Effects?
Anyone knows how to do this style?
Name the album
Golf of America
Ujedinjene Nacije su se oglasile povodom protesta 15. Marta i upozorile su našu vladu da ne smeju narušiti ljudska prava gradjana
Upravo smo izbacili Demo nase video igre na Steamu
Да ли вам је икада искочила дивља животиња на пут, док сте управљали возилом?
novi stil šaha "retardirani sah"
Prava žena
Stable Diffusion users: Are you using it for work, fun, or to make money?
A hotel in Kryvyi Rih after being hit by a peaceful Russian ballistic missile yesterday
Koje su vam Top 3 igre ikada koje ste odigrali?
Why does my color picker look like this
Mislim da je došao kraj
We redesigned the entire game style because it felt too much like Facebook game visuals for the Steam audience. Did we make the right choice?
Aplauz za vas što nećete da nam date pare
Go on dubai!
Leaders of the Free World
Misljene oko pusenja ?
Da li sam preterao ?
America, why and how half of your population is this dumb?!
I recently commissioned an art piece from Animaikyo, figured I'd share it here.