If you heard a fart in your room at night (not from your own body), would you laugh or be scared??
What are some things you do to help you fall asleep?
Is this an authentic Cartier bracelet??
What kind of person you can't stand?
When did you realize you were an adult?
What is your favorite sauce and what do you use it on?
What fictional item do you wish you owned in real life?
What's your favorite word right now?
How did you get your scar?
What is this??? I don’t want to touch it😭
Smelling your own fart is literally putting it back inside you
What's a good addiction?
What’s your favourite way to relax after a long day?
Anyone had to stop using a fragrance because of memories attached to it?
Embarrassing fart (true story)
Would used/opened perfume sell??
Is this what people do for fun now?💀
Did anyone else watch the (newer) Sooty Sweep and Soo??
What makes being in a relationship with you challenging?
What's the worst thing you've ever stepped on?
What is something you’re proud of yourself for?
What is the worst punishment you've ever received in school?
If you suddenly had an unlimited amount of money, what’s the first thing you’d buy?
What makes you think you’re actually attractive?