Johnny Depp fans constantly saying "Did you even watch the trial?" in response to evidence that discredits him is an example of a thought-terminating cliché
Screaming and howling at this TikTok from Bela 😂 Fuck Johnny Depp forever and ever
Twitter post calling out Jacksepticeye for mocking Amber Heard's testimony
Pretendian Johnny Depp
For continuing to support an abuser, Dior Sausage can go to hell
More viral Johnny Depp truth bombs
FKA Twigs talking about abusive relationships
"I thought we hated her" Beyoncé, Amber Heard, and the herd mentality of the general public
Maya Henry's account of being in an abusive relationship with Liam Payne. It's all eerily familiar. And just like clockwork, she's being harassed and blamed for everything.
Twitter is turning on Johnny Depp. Steadily but surely, truth is prevailing.
I love seeing these Johnny Depp videos on my for you page
Visceral disgust against Johnny Depp. 550k likes. We love to see it.
Viral Tiktok about Lily-Rose Depp's texts to Amber Heard
Does anyone remember Sammi from Jersey Shore, and her highly toxic, abusive relationship with fellow cast member Ronnie? I found these old memes from around that time. It reminds me so much of what Amber Heard was subjected to.
Ellen Barkin reacts to Bill Maher using Amber Heard as a punch line
[deleted by user]
TikTok about the TV show The Boys supporting Amber Heard and shading Johnny Depp
These comments are by the same Johnny Depp supporter. I hope she becomes self-aware at some point.
I'm so happy that TikTok is showing me more and more content that supports Amber Heard
The way abusive men lie is so scary. Pay attention to the language he's using. This demonstrates how easily people can be manipulated by DARVO.
Update on the guy who was using TikTok to self-diagnose his mom with multiple mental illnesses. He's also exploiting his ex girlfriend!
Rihanna supported an abuser like Johnny Depp and she's STILL a joke to them. She never learned the lesson that no matter how much of a 'Cool Girl' you are or how much you fawn over these men, they will never respect you. Misogyny is universal.
When men falsely accuse women, we don't call them false accusations: we call them 'retaliatory filings'
It's not just famous abusers like Johnny Depp. Stories like this illustrate how ready & willing people are to protect any male abuser even at the expense of a child's safety.
This trend of applying every mental disorder you can think of to a "problematic woman" in your life is so disgusting