She said being feminine is being married, having children, and caring for the elderly. Farting and burping in front of your husband is a major no. I can’t stand this lady she’s in lululand
I was watching their churches live stream and noticed A1 was sucking her thumb the whole time. Is this normal for a kid her age?
Updated pics of their house. Why does it look lowkey scary from the outside. Like why is there no door to the backyard?
This comment has had me rolling! 🤣
God DID bless me with an amazing partner who puts our mental and physical health first always. Thanks Jordan, you corny ass sad excuse of a man. 😂🙏🏻
Omg you guys I have tea! Milena these past few weeks have been battling with her ulcerative colitis. I went on their church page and there was a video posted 2 days ago of milena and jor on stand talking about her health. (All of there children where also on stage singing Christmas songs)
A1 saying “ok Sir” and Milena correcting her to “mame” and A1 saying “it’s okay I can call her sir” is just so funny to me😂. Surprised Milena didn’t start throwing scripture at her.😅
Omg why are her feet so swollen?
Not the random man walking up to their property asking what she has going on today. 😳
Never noticed how bald Hor is. That’s probably why he always wears that goofy hat.
Milena putting babies at risk
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New View of the Kitchen
Not him leaving two seconds later 🤣🤣🤣
Ok sorry I’m not normally posting this often but new house is so luxurious so far
New house
Taking bets now… how long do you think they’ll stay in this home?💀
Who else thought of the infamous “bloating tips” post 💀
really milena ?
Her holding her belly like she’s pregnant made me lmfao😭🤣
PSA do not buy weighted sleep sacks for your infant!!
Whoever guessed Asher, you were right!
Will Milena share the name?
Moving again…