Spinning some tapes today, had to go with this tremendous display of internal corehence. Sines are fucking synergizing!!!
writting in the DE style is really fun (wip) |cw child death
Jokers ordered by their consumablity
First ever playthrough, 0 save scumming, this was painful
Garte appreciation
What are some of the worst criticisms you've heard for Disco Elysium? I'll start:
Its his love language
Any songs that automatically reminds you of Disco Elysium? Mine is the cover of Sound of Silence by Disturbed.
I drew Harry
You guys have ruined Kim for me
Emetophobia - Trigger warning help.
Dril and HDB with similar philosophies about drugs in the community
alternatively: the world's worst dora headcanon
His ass is not thinking about solving the murder.
kItTy is DrOWNing! wiLL nOBoBy HELP Him???
I will add your joker to a mod
Is this necktie horrific enough?
Six months sober
New Year, New Harry Cosplay
Fellow detectives, it's March 11th! Have you removed the dead body from the tree, yet? Or are you still puking your guts out?
he doesn't understand fashion
The Detective
Alternative wiki projects
Are there any games that also tackle politics in an interesting way like DE?
day one at *local comic con*! went as kim, i'll go as harry tomorrow (featuring my best attempt at the psionic eyebrow)