Sad reality of FUT as an unc
This overhead corner kick thing is a nonsense!
Fut birthday Haaland
Which SBC should I complete Bale or Ronaldo?
where do i need to improve
Best striker you’ve used?? I’ve got 1.6m for a striker but no idea who to use
Relegation due to new season
Is FUT Birthday Haaland good?
What’s your biggest Sbc regret I start
Ronaldo (SBC) or Bale (SBC) for LW (inside forward)?
How to do this
Who to get? Wanted to go for cr7 but taking gables instead. Zambrotta for evo potential and thuram to cb?
Level 40 - Icons Pack or 87+ x 10?
I need cb suggestions, got 650k
What do i chose between vieira or jairzinho
Tell me one reason why he did that..
Team help
I guess momma raised a sore winner
I’ll take that
Can yall share your decision to level 40 picks or 87x10 and what did yall get? Even if u got an L let me know !
The price of the player does not matter - TS Gullit sucks
Level 40 rewards
How are your guys teams looking currently? Ive had insane luck this year
Fantastic game i love it
Evo help