Is there a single genre where most of the listeners consider only 1 artist as the best of that genre?
Episode 4
Question about the kid in this show-
Just realised something about ep 4
What are your strangest picks for favorite song by an artist?
What's a popular band that you love that isn't respected/spoke about in the music nerd world
Unknown Song Found!!
Can we ever find this tune?
Are you skinny and physically weak like me?
My take on the Jamie
Wow.. this series left me speechless
XTC - Complicated Game
Thoughts on 'I AM MUSIC' so far?
Similar bands to the beatles in their career?
New rock music that feels fresh (bands newer than 5-10 years old)
What’s your “cool” album?
Albums with perfect night time vibes?
does mbv's irish accent show in any of their songs?
Classic bands that do nothing for you? I’ll start
I need current bands that sound like the old bands.
What do y'all think of this album?
Hail to the Thief deserves more attention
I’m getting tired of writing Zushi so many times
Anyone else think Cutouts is their best?