Why are these episodes never talked about?
Why are these episodes so disliked?
Now for The last, which cartoon is about Man VS Author
Who would you cast as Peter Gabriel in a biopic?
why are single fathers so much more common in animation than single mothers when in real life it's the opposite?( i am not complaining, just curious where this trope originated)
Favorite cartoon character?
Is there an episode of a show that saved your life?
The one-eyed pilot of Old Bessie and badass fighter in Futurama, Leela, has won for L, who’s the greatest female cartoon character whose name start with M?
Which Animated couple is the embodient of this image?
The teenage secret spy agent Kim Possible has won for K, who’s the greatest female cartoon character whose name start with L?
Which is a moment from a cartoon where a dumb character became smart?
With the latest MoringMark comic in mind, what do you think other characters’ magic would taste and/or smell like?
Why do people head cannon hunter as trans?
Marvel baby here. Didn't grow up watching most things DC, but was curious to ask; Which members of the Justice League would side with which side in Captain America: Civil War? Team Cap or Team Stark?
Anybody want to help her? (Finale spoilers for new fans)
What name did you choose for the group?
Comment like if there was a mini arc revealing that Yahveltal was Serena’s Biological Father
Name your favorite female character
What do you think of all the Disney Post-Renaissance 2D animated films?
Question about Amity?
Guys I don't trust whisper on this one😭
Which comic relief is mostly well liked?
What intellectual property that was very loved by the fans, but lived way too long to the point where bad/low quality reboots/sequels happen without quality check?
It's the LEGO ShackTron Duuuuude!!! [Built in 2021 by Laurgolols]
What's a scene in a cartoon that lives rent free in your head?