[14NB] I went to hot topic yesterday 😝😝😝
[13nb] looking for friends with similar interests!
[13F] hey guysssss (say hi back.)
[14m] I must discuss music!
What do yalls names mean?
Helplines and Services
My best friend is queerphobic and a terf
Is there a term for being a lesbian, gay man, straight, and aroace all at once?
I need some explanations please
Coined by me!
(MicroLables) Gender Loving Gender List
(Microlables) Gender Loving Gneder List
(Microlabels) Gender Loving Gender List
name a fictional character who gives you gender envy.
What Agender gender symbol do you use (if you do)??
It/They Pronouns
Can you guys give me happy life story's?
Can you guys tell me happy life stories?
Can you guys please give me happy life storys
im high af rn and i fucking love being a lesbian