1000 points of Retaliation Cadre ready to roll
Dark apostle as our sorcerer?
Does anyone know of any EC dedicated channels?
Totally normal Kroot Commandos, definitely not liberated Stealth Suits
Cheap knives
GIVEAWAY: Ursus Knife | Stained (FT) - Just comment your favourite CS weapon to enter!
Question from XV8...
i actually pulled this wtf
1,2 or 3
Which glove for my Talon Slaughter?
Can you mix deathwing and ravening?
Can it be saved?
Can I magnetise the head options?
Deathwing friends completed!
1000pt Help
Finished the Deathwing Knights! What a fun set of models to paint. CC welcome!
Can the fuxking game release already
Can Death Wing Knights change weapons between rounds at a tournament?
Need constructive feedback on my army
Did my first big alteration to a (fairly) expensive model
How did you get into Warhammer?
Any reason to get this box over new DW knights or termi box at this point?
Feedback on a list
Trying to set up our groups first crusade. How do we do it with 5 people?
List Critique