They cooked with this shi
Where is this black hole i looked every where
Im missing the spider thread abilities how do i unlock them
What’s the strangest town name you’ve heard?
What do you think is the key to a fulfilling and content life?
If you had 5 minutes left to live, what would be the last song you would listen to?
When someone says "greedy company", what comes to your mind the most?
You get $10,000 if you make a girl reject you on a date in under a minute. What do you do?
What do you think is the greatest war film of all time?
Your mission is to completely blow a job interview in the first 60 seconds, what do you do?
If you won $1m what WOULDN’T you buy?
What advice do you hate the most?
what companies shamelessly make shit products, year after year?
What is a quote that changed your life?
What is the dumbest name you've ever heard someone give their child?
why are you single?
What's the stupidest thing you've ever done?
What is the dumbest thing to say after sex?
What dark facts do you know about food industry?
What about the opposite sex confuses you?
What is your secret that you can't tell anyone because it will probably ruin your life?
Boys be completely honest what makes a girl go from a 10/10 to a 1/10 instantly?
Who’s an idiot that gets treated like a genius?
What are you convinced people are just pretending to enjoy?