Took a sip from my bottle of tea, got a mouthful of squishy, chunky... stuff?? wtf is this???
Fits here ig.
A video of a delivery guy getting into a fight with 2 security guards it shows how poorly trained many security guards.
Russian Soldier Places A Skull On His Rifle
Mill, TriangleCity (me), Photography, 2021
How did Micah managed to kill Cain without anyone noticing ?
We found a covered well while making a driveway
Found grandpas f1 in my parents file room
What is it ?
How'd I do for $24?
Dumpster Find CT-500. What Is This Worth?
Do these scans look too grainy?
TIL that dogs and other canines get stuck together for 5-20 minutes during the mating process. The first time a dog mates, they are often surprised by this and show signs of distress, trying to pull away or run.
What/Who are these two in your opinion?
In celebration of Mario Day: How did you discover the franchise?
The film I'm taking on a trip to Chile and Buenos Aires
What’s a compliment you have gotten that you can NEVER forget?
Getting this gal tomorrow. I can’t come up with a name.
Everyone has their preferences
Demi Lovato tries the new 19$ strawberry from Erewhon
We like to watch tv
How do you want to die?
Going to an estate sale tomorrow, anything here worth grabbing?
Who’s this in Red Dead?
This ship was built in such a way that it can never sink