The favouritism towards Lexi…
Thoughts on Arrietty's explanation?
Since it has almost been a year after Tia Kofi's win - how do you view it now? Was such ending satisfying for you?
PPN’s Statement
That's not delusion, that's ✨️motherhood✨️
The treatment of Lana is so weird
Plane Jane vs Luxx
Have they already forgotten about her?
Haley’s character arc and Dylan was the worst
Anyone Else Tired of Naomi Bringing Up Eliminating Manila All The Time?
Absolutely gutted that this queen went home first, she was my fav of the season 💔
Why did the creators mess this up
Make it as obscure as possible
All stars cast
Sasha Colby with her new smile!😁
What’s your messiest drag race unpopular opinion and why is everyone else wrong for disagreeing?
Did Maxie and Myx make up?
J Quinn's branding
What's up mga gae?!
[deleted by user]
Angel for S4
Let’s settle this once and for all
Now that we’re almost at the end of Drag Race PH Season 3. Sinong queen ang hindi ka fan noon (or even disliked), but you adore so much now?
House of No Brand daw
How do you know when it's already time to let go?
Kween Kong has shared her side of the story. We are all very opinionated here but try to keep it respectful.