Did you have Mold-A-Rama souvenirs? Which ones?
Working on a demo for my graphics class
1987 AFC East Media Guides
The Rutles on the set of Ouch! (1965)
Grandparents said they had a spare laptop. Got home and unzipped a laptop from 1990.
MAD Magazine in the 80s. I used to love the spoofs and Spy vs. Spy.
Am I the a-hole?
Hesitant to Post Grades
Rate my 1995 NFL Realignment - See Comment
Sir Paul, prominent in "The Real Buddy Holly Story" - BBC, 1987
Missed opportunities.
What if Millard Fillmore and the Know Nothings somehow pulled through in the 1856 election, making him the first nonconsecutive president? would he actually try to something about the impending civil war? Would Lincoln still get elected?
Who’s Indy car is this?
It was not staged. he was not hit by glass. He reacted to the blast, ducked and was injured in a collision. Yes-the rest is a con
Enough about Jumbo. Warren Harding also had a name for his manhood. He named his Jerry.
What QB Jersey will you pick!
Cursed Images: Cardinals Edition
Was never a part of a teacher clique at any school
Newspaper ad for the premiere of NBC's Friday Night Videos back in 1983 (for those of us too poor to afford cable and MTV)
Fighting for States Rights!
Flags, figurines and gold everywhere: Trump transforms the Oval Office into a gilded gallery
Is there a name for this engine type/arrangement?
Honest question
Which crew would you roll with?
Hanshin Tigers beat both the Los Angeles Dodgers (3-0) and the Chicago Cubs (3-0)