Heartstopper Season 3
[Hunt] Video of a cute guy talking and then asking… (Why?) are you peeing on me?
Guys are wild!
Which gay movies are actually targeted for gays / which for staright audiences?
How often do you use cock rings?
AITA for defending myself to my girlfriend's brother by saying I'm cool enough to sleep with his sister?
Guncle Advice
Thoughts on firearms for home defense?
Tessellations have their claws in me now :(
How common is viagra use in gay communities?
I'm homosexual VS I'm Gay VS I'm Attracted to Guys VS Queer VS homo e.t.c
Feedback requested
CMV: Both Israel and Hamas should accept Biden's deal
Ich habe dauernd Erkältungen....
Cruising at the gym is out of control, don’t know what to think
Being gay at the gym is so much fun
Guy blocked me over a superhero
Gaybros, checking into a hotel. Two men, one bed.
Just watched All of Us Strangers 😭😭😭
Local bank advertisement is AI generated
Scoring board for Origami?
First time seeing AI generated advertising in the wild (that I'm aware of), can't tell of the second one is real
I met someone with no romantic intentions and now I'm confused
His first time cumming hands-free
So, if you were to learn an asian language (your first asian language), which of these 3 would it be? and why? (in regards to difficulty and convenience)