Over 100 hours and I just discovered my favorite class (Thief/ Archer Warfarer)
Person spraying bug killer on fruits vegetables and chicken in a Walmart
Dating with schizophrenia
Nothing, Zero, and Absolutely Clueless: How the Government Masters the Art of Knowing Absolutely Nothing About the Drones
Selfie Sunday: It’s finals week and I have to write a paper in 7 hours
How you all keep yourself occupied if not working in any job (9 to 5)?
I finally got Stormflash Loong Staff. Looks good.
where is monster hunter rise fitgirl repack save file at?
I got agent 47
You become your username
Soaring kick goes over monster?
If you have any, what were the most effective tips you've received on singing?
Dragon's Dogma 2 Goldberg crash
What are your fav weapons?
What video game hot take do you have that leaves you like this no matter how right you are?
I feel like I am off key to begin with and then randomly get a bit better after a bit of singing anything… I don’t know if it’s my breath or if I need to practice scales but really any advice appreciated 🙏
Anyone else with voices of real people?
Having a hard time riding horses on PC in RDR1
How to be religious without falling into psychosis again
In this Live broadcast, news anchors audibly react to numerous UAP orbs visibly flying around the sky on the live “city-cam”
Nazis arrested
Selfie Sunday and update: thinking about checking myself into a hospital for psychosis and addiction…
To be a grown ass adult doing this
Anyone else want the devs to bring back the Storm Bolter?