Trip Reccomendations?
[general] First time growing, These ready to harvest?(golden teachers)
are these golden teachers ready to be harvested?
all of my projects open to this any help?
popped a gel tab and waiting :)
Tried to reset PC to factory settings after getting virus.
Chat is this normal
Anyone else got this strange lag problem - Never had an issue like this before, it seems like they've updated the wavelengths so they're more accurate but for some reason it tanks my Bandlab
Producer in need of an artist any form of artist will be fine
just popped my first gel tab, wish me luck😄
buddy wanted me to post this
revisitation time 😁 time to see the hype of robohbr😈😈💪🤔
i miss dxm but don’t know if its been long enough
wanting to return to using dxm(safely this time)
just ate 5 HWBR seeds, first time
are these hwbr valid? first time tripping on lsa😄
i did 26 robotabs last night
chilling off 360mg
What Plateau tn?
Best way to drink dxm?
When should i buy dxm
goodbye for now :)
very excited to combine freebase and hbr😁😁😁
thank god for star projector