I’m so bored and drained
Increase sex drive using SSRI's
Is this mold? /s
Tell me about red flags you've encountered at an interview
Pretty hectic crash at Jacob’s Ladder
Brisbane CBD
Roommate stole my bike and I have no guarantee of getting it back
lmaooo okay??
How do you get your foot in the door?
What time do you work and what time do you wake up? I’ll go first in comments……
I have some neighbors personal issues...
Weird growth on my Avocado Seed
Daily Cyclone Alfred post
What do you while you work from home to maximise your time or make it more enjoyable?
So room 1018 is to the.... hang on...
Friendly neighbourhood cats - advice!
Roommate of 3 years left this for us to find.
I'm disgusted with MAFS normalising domestic violence
Absolutely bored doing mundane work!
Disgusting response by Mods
Married at First Sight S12E20 Queensland live episode discussion
DV/Relationship Support
Married at First Sight S12E19 Queensland live episode discussion
Married at First Sight S12E18 Queensland live discussion
Married at First Sight S12E17 Queensland live discussion