My 3-year-old Maltipoo, Theo, is looking for a brother or sister 🥹I’m hoping to buy from a more ethical breeder than where he comes from. He was my first dog and I didn’t do my research well enough… Any recommendations?
Maltipoo color prediction
Who is a popular celebrity you just cannot find attractive?
What was once highly respected that is now a complete joke?
opinions on the skinny comeback trend?
What’s a dead giveaway that someone is not actually as wealthy as they claim?
What show do you think deserved more seasons
Adriana Lima or Megan Fox?
What word do you still struggle to spell no matter how many times you've seen it written down?
Birthday Boy turns 2! 🧁(He specifically requested a pink themed party since that’s his favorite color).
Pink or black? Oct wedding. 4 months pregnant
Do the shoes match this dress?
what is some rich shit you do even though you are not rich?
kourtney then and now (post by @unfiltered.celebs on instagram)
Happy Seventh Birthday Gus!
AITA For telling my mother I won’t pay the taxes on their paid off home while my Brother lives there with his kids?
What celebrity will you never understand the appeal of?
What happens regularly that would horrify a person from 100 years ago?
do you, or ever at one point, wish you was a kardashian?
What's a dead giveaway that someone grew up poor?
Would you undo your marriage?
What did you think was fancy as a kid that isn’t?
What's something that you silently judge people for?
No one to share with but I found my perfect dress!!!
What is a thing in life that in your opinion is better than sex?