Questions that should be on the ADHD assessment, but aren’t
ADHD may be a connective tissue disorder?!
Let’s hear your cats legal name and all of their nick names (w/ pics)
Did you take antidepressants and ADHD meds together?
Showing off her white Dot.
What personality trait/quirk did you learn was actually ADHD once you were diagnosed?
I learned how to crochet and I’m sharing some projects because I was asked to please don’t hate me
New dr tells me my adhd diagnosis is wrong bc I don’t fidget enough
Has Nathan been unusually quiet recently?
Just started atomoxetine, wondering about others experience
Nathan: No one understands our love. You are just jealous that you don’t have a girl who gets upset if you don’t cuddle with her all night.
Which kid do you all think resembles their parent the most?
Jenelle's latest super mom #Vlog✨️
The Valentine's posts are never ending with Nathan and his girlfriend, looks like someone got a paint set as her gift.
Sweet like justice, Karma is a queen!
Reminded of the name that my moms former coworker gave her daughter
More gym pda's, declarations of love and a road trip for Nathan & Barely Legal.
Briana gets her tubes tied!
Who's your favourite couple?
Do u think there will be more kids
Why doesn't Canada post even deliver the package?
Matt Mathew’s watches Karl’s kids
Y'all suck
No Thanksgiving Pics?