Males of Reddit, what do you fear as much as a woman fears of being raped or assaulted?
When was a time that you experienced racism but did not realize it until later?
What is your favorite love trope?
Wrong answers only. How would a mermaid have intercourse?
People of Reddit, what was the worst thing a partner said to you?
What superpower would you pick if you had to choose?
British people of Reddit, what do you think about american accents?
What’s a word that you struggled to spell for a long time?
What’s the most unprofessional thing a doctor has said to you?
What’s the most racist thing that has ever been done to you?
What was your worst sexual experience?
How would you break up with someone?
How did you deal with your childhood bully?
What would your last meal be on death row?
What’s the worst dm you’ve ever gotten?
What’s an unusual thing that your body does?
What was the worst date you’ve ever been on?
What was the weirdest sexual fetish your ex had?
What was the happiest moment of your life?
What is your craziest one-in-a-million story?
What is a weird genetic mutation that you have?
What was your worst job experience?
What is the rudest thing someone has ever said directly to your face?
This thanksgiving, what was the weirdest or most uncomfortable conversation you’ve had with your family?
What is the scariest myth of your culture or ethnicity background?