As a surgery resident who deals with this stuff all the time, his honesty was very refreshing.
Tested on April 25th - Monday. When should I expect my result?
step 1 post exam
Low NBMEs! Should I postpone?
Will I pass?
Who else hasn’t slept waiting for results? Ughhhhhhhhhhh
Free120 really necessary?
I failed
Testing today 4/27
At what time are Step 1 exam results?
Autonomic Drugs!
4/15 people, do we get results this Wednesday?
Pass Probability with Free 120 63%
Free 120 or NBME?
Not Improving on Step1 Practice Exams :(
biochemistry for USMLE step 1
4/18 test takers- let’s talk
UWSA2 score decrease - should I reschedule?
4/15 test takers, what did you all think?
Should I keep the exam date?
UWSA 2 224- Exam in 7 Days- 0% UW Done- Feel Like I Made Educated Guesses and Got Lucky
anti microbials are killing me!!
Done with step 1. Can I go back to being a human again?
Pre-Exam Rant. Do we deserve to live like this? Will the suffering ever stop? FML.