15, almost 16 and no penis growth.
How to diversify my money?
help pls im having a panic attack rn
Dental implant price in philippines?
TADS to close lower premolar extraction?
Need advice on this :( i think i ruined my face iwanna kms
help pls i REALLY REGRET not getting rootcanal when i was young 😭
help pls i dont like how this is destroying me im scared that i wont be eligible for djs... and will be ugly forever
why is my right eyelid swollen
Got a free MacBook Air but the screen is awfully washed out
4 months on accutane
What is your 10/10 anime series?
best countries is east and south east asia for underbite surgery
Did anyone here have pre molar extractions and now needs surgery to reverse the effects?
[Hiring] Vistual Assistants Wanted!
Any english speaking jaw surgeons i can ask questions online?
fake or real?
Don’t look ♠️
recommend me manhwas like salad days, heesu in class and just all that fluffy shool life stuffs
Has anyone gotten second opinion from another country? Such as Korea?
Day 30 Post OP DJS For Underbite
Day 15 Post PO For Underbite
how can i fix my messed up face now