I will never complain about portion size again…
What naughty items, toys, accessories, or clothing could you wear in secret while in public?
Adults, how do you cope with stress?
Meal prep for baby sister who works full time and is in school
Would you prefer Outlook?
Probably my best Steak yet, first one in my new apartment 👍🏾
What is the official name of the sex position where a girl is on top but she's up on her feet squatting?
For all the families around here I have to recommend the aquarium at Grapevine Mills.
Anyone know what this fire is from?
Has anyone gone from 300+ lbs to being able to RUN? I'm dying here
M/24/5’11” [137kg > 84kg = 53kg] (31 months) decided to take control of my life
Just hit a lick on my LC
What’s one thing you did that helped you lose weight?
F/19/5,4 [220lbs > 147lbs] (12 months)
F/26/5'8" [335lbs > 265lbs = 70lbs] (5 months) getting there slowly!
I love Chipotle :)
bathtub faucet has showerhead connection but no diverter. help?
1 year and 135 pounds difference. Diet changes: Whole foods, cut 90% sugar carbs and processed. Included 90% more veggies :)
People who stopped snoring how’d you do it?
Direct Deposit for 2/24 finally came!
DDD2/24 CK but still nothing?
Any tt/credit karma folks that got their refund?
It’s almost 2/24! Who’s ready?
Billionaires of reddit, how do you feel about the upcoming tax cuts?
Deep in the trenches (waiting for deposit)