Struggling with Jealousy (Not That Kind)
Advice about a loveless relationship
Advice on New Poly
What did the weeknd mean by “she fucking goons in the day”
Doctors of Reddit, what do we *not* know about the human body?
You Were Right - Trying To Fix Things Didn't Go Anywhere
Ex never told me he was polyamorous
trying to move to a healthier place
NP spending every night with other partner
XO is the Most Unproblematic Fanbase Ever
Metas spike in insecurity is now making poly impossible
If you know you have issues with x y or z, date people who already do x y or z successfully
S6 E 11 Corpus Delicti
AIO? Gift etiquette UPDATE
I hate that Initiation gets so much hate from other XOs. I LOVE THIS SONG. If this song has zero lovers, then that means I am dead. Yall just don’t get it 💔
I'm stuck.
Asexual Mono/Poly Advice for Physical Intimacy
How to discuss uneven experiences. (Advice wanted)
Have I been lying to myself?
What's a style/genre you want to see The Weeknd do more of, possibly in a future album?
Wasn't "Afterlife" supposed to be a track on this albulm?
With no clear goal and long distance…what do I do?
House wrote this