Happy Birthday goodest girl! You guys, my senior baby turned 14 today 🥹 I love this sweet, gentle, funny, stubborn girl so much.
This sweet & gentle elder blossom goes by "Moopsy" most times. She's just a good gorl searching for her squoosh community.
(14/F) like most dogs, this sweet & gentle girl has so many different looks, but the expression in photo #1 is one of my faves 😆
can you not, Miss? i just gave you a fur-ever home.
How bad?
Skellige & its soundtrack are more beautiful than Touissants.
tiny piece of a human skull
Brutally honest rating?
Hopefully, the red colour stays.
Just went to comic con and I met Zelda and Link
Starting NG+ How much would you recommend I learn to play Gwent? I went through my entire original playthrough without playing after losing that one time in White Orchard.
....no comment
what do i do with 999 brightbloom seeds?
When can I take opioids like hydrocodone and feel euphoric
Omg... This is all coming together
This town ain't big enough for both of us
What do you think it's the worst debate in the community?
He said the first one took him 4 hours
Who needs CCTV, when you've got a sharpei👌😎
Sweet Baby Inc. is not collaborating on the development of The Witcher 4, says the CEO of CD Projekt Red
My friend group of 12 made their top 5 games of all time. Who do you think has the best list? 👀
Have I rushed the game?
Does anyone use a boomerang?
Everybody who beat this game more than once can relate