Buzz bonuses cancel each other out
Simple questions - help each other out - possible spoilers
I think some people forgot that this show is called “The Traitors”😂 also reality t.v should not be takin this seriously
Severance - 2x04 "Woe’s Hollow" - Episode Discussion
Visit my island?
Severance - 2x03 "Who Is Alive?" - Episode Discussion
[Books] Silo S02E10 "Into the Fire" Episode Discussion (Book Readers Thread)
Need help "slowing down" at work
Recommendations for Oils or Tablets
🌹The Bachelorette Finale🌹 East Coast/Central Live Discussion Thread
🌹The Bachelorette🌹 Men Tell All East Coast/Central Live Discussion Thread
Beyond all repair. Who did it?!
What simple thing did you not know for an embarrassingly long time in SDV?
Show me the last cat picture on your camera roll
Which 9-Day cast member do you think is most psychologically healthy?
How many of you guys allow your friends access to your location? Scheana having 50+ peoples location is so creepy and weird and I can't understand why anyone would be cool with her having that info.
Does anyone still use a George Foreman grill
Maria fans at the WTA, bachelorette chances?
🌹The Bachelor🌹 East Coast/Central Live Discussion Thread
Passion it is. Lots of votes for Becoming as well. Now to Season 3.
What makes you feel the show outdated for you or tell you that it was filmed a long time ago?
Removing mods for 1.6
Podcast(s) episodes request
I want to know your babies shelter names (if you changed them)
New family member needs a name